Absorption Minibars, best choice for a hotel

Mini fridges are perfect for a wide range of situations and locations where a full-size fridge would be either too big or too impractical. A hotel room refrigerator is a small refrigerator dedicated in a hotel room for refrigerating fruits, beverages, drinks and other foods, and can also be used for refrigerating cosmetics. Absorption refrigerators are completely silent and composed of diffusion absorption refrigeration movement, cabinet and related accessories.

Absorption refrigerator is an environmentally friendly high-tech product. Without compressor and any mechanical transmission parts, not produce any noise when running, so an absorption minibar is reputed as double green environmentally friendly

Each hotel minibar type has different models with different technological features and sizes, so that AB&T hotel minibars can cover all the current needs of hotels and the hospitality sector.

Why Absorption Minibars Best Choice Hotel Over Compressor ?

jvd minibars

Absorption Minibar for Hotel

The absorption minibar for hotel is the traditional solution for hotels, offering maximum service to the guests with a fully silent, efficient and low-power consumption system.

Thermoabsoption Minibar for Hotel

The thermoabsorption minibar for hotel is 100% silent, without moving parts and no fans in the cooling system. Thermoabsorption minibars uses an ecological technology CFC free, reaching an A+ energy efficiency level.

Compressor Minibar for Hotel

Technological advances and the improvements introduced in new compressors have resulted in the use of minibar for hotel with compressor technology being increasingly widespread in hotels that seek high cooling power. This system attains an energy efficiency of A++ with an acoustic level that is imperceptible at a distance of more than 1m from the minibar and the option of programming its operation to switch off during the resting hours of the guest, eliminating noises and unnecessary energy consumption.

A minibar may be small, but choosing the wrong one can become a big problem for hotels and their guests. AB&T’s new line of solid state minibars offers huge improvements over compressor-based units with completely silent, vibration-free operation that won’t disturb a single night’s sleep. Unlike absorption models, these are also 100% ammonia-free, containing no toxic or environmentally dangerous chemicals while performing with 30% more energy efficiency. Available with solid or glass doors, these units offer a smarter, safer solution to keeping your guests happily refreshed.

Energy Efficient

Because of their innovating cooling technology, solid state minibars offer far more energy savings than standard absorption refrigerators. In our laboratory tests, low energy consumption and silent absorption technology, to create high-level value for your hotel. the absorption series used 30% less energy than traditional absorption units, ensuring a greener performance that can save your hotel big money in annual electricity bills.

Eco-Friendly Design

Minibars are available with 30, 40 or 60 L cooling units as well as interior light, lock and glass door options. We have several choices available to suit your minibar needs We want to ensure that we offer what you need.

Why absorption minibar best for hotels ?
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